This blog is not going to change the world. There are already pages and pages of information that attempt to explain complex concepts such as justice (written by philosophers that know way more than I do), how to cook popcorn without burning it (maybe I should look at some of those), and blumpkins (if you don't already know what it is, don't look it up). When I write about things, someone else has probably already commented on the topic in the history of the world and the world wide web. So the purpose of this blog isn't really to be original, I'm just going to answer Frequently Alyssa Questions in a unique way.
Most Frequently Alyssa Questions fall into one of two categories (I won't say all because generalizations can be ineffective…but more on that later): 1. Questions that people have asked me and so am responding to for the world (or a few select blog followers) to see, and 2. Questions that I just think about a lot. A question I'm frequently asked to explain is, "How does your thought process happen?", so by answering questions in the second category I am providing some insight to this frequently asked question and in this way the second category is really part of the first.
I am also writing this blog for practical reasons that I will just list:
1. To develop my writing skills. I worked on my resume today and I want to be able to list that I'm a bangin' writer. Maybe practicing on this blog will improve my writing (maybe not though because I also believe that only perfect practice makes perfect…the wise advice of Sensei Matt…remind me to address this topic later too)
2. To inspire my friends to write blogs. Sometimes when I'm bored because I can't focus long enough to watch an entire twenty-two minute show, I like to lightly browse the web. And there's only so many new facebook pictures that I care about viewing or funny texts from last night to chuckle at. So if you write a blog too it will give me something else exciting to read!
3. I want to make you think and question your everyday behavior and conventional wisdom. I hope after reading insight on a topic, it will get you thinking, even if your thoughts are a lot different than mine (which is likely). Maybe you'll even say "hmuh" after reading a post one day.
However, I don't plan on posting every day. You can't force or rush creativity and thoughts. I learned this lesson in tenth grade English class when Mr. Zeitvogel asked us to argue the most influential invention of the twentieth century. I couldn't think on the spot, so I said Doppler Radar. This is a dumb invention compared to video conferencing, Dance Dance Revolution, and the internet. If I had more time to think, I would have thought this task through and said something way better than Doppler Radar! (although in hindsight it didn't really matter). Unique thoughts take time. This is the same reason that I like to play Scattergories using the three minute timer instead of one or two, it gives you more time to think of something that nobody else wrote. In conclusion, I'm going to write when the spirit moves me (now is an appropriate time to hum Every Time I Feel the Spirit) instead of forcing myself to think. So, my first post (or rather, the second) will be about something I have been thinking for a couple months now and been itching to write about.
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